American Standardization Organization - ASO
Quality Control
Management System

Food Hazards
Management System
Food Infection Control
Management System

Food Hazards
Management System

ASO Profile

ASO has been formed under No. 3951733 issued by the State of Delaware whose activity is setting administrative and technical standards and granting accreditation certificates. The accreditation is granted according to the standards and specifications set and developed by the organization. All standards set by ASO are uncomplicated, flexible, applicable, and easy to understand . They don’t take a lot of time to be created and do not require a lot of documents

American Standardization

ASO: QCMS: 1/2020

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Certified certificates

ASO: QCMS: 1 / 2020
It aims to provide flawless products that conform to the specifications
ASO: OHSMS: 1 / 2020
It aims to keep all workers of the facility safe
and healthy.
ASO: FICMS: 1 / 2020
It aims to provide products or services free of food infection risks.
ASO: FHMS: 1 / 2020
It aims to provide products or services free of
food risks.


This standard has been built on four basic rules

Planning:The facility administration shall establish the plans and objectives that meet the client's requirements.
Organizing:The facility administration shall determine tasks, responsibilities, and authorities which, in turn,
Directing:The facility administration shall determine methods of directing, supervision
Control:The facility administration shall analyze the data of plans and objectives and measure the performance
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ASO Standard 9001 first edition in 2018

Due to the developments and economic changes in all countries and establishments that_ in turn_ led to the urgent necessity to adopt administrative systems to help keep the entity and continue with a competitive way, every change calls us all to adopt a new policy for changes. Therefore, the top management in any facility shall see what you can`t see with the naked eye.
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